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La nuit du serpent

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Buck Danny 01 EN.jpg

A Buck Danny Adventure 1
Forfatter: Francis Bergèse
Tegner: Francis Bergèse
Originaltitel: La nuit du serpent
Originaludgave: 2000: Dupuis

Danske udgaver:

  • Ikke udgivet på dansk
Andre udgaver:

Nr. 49 i den originale franske udgivelsesrække.

Forlagets beskrivelse

An American pilot is shot down at the border between North and South Korea. While his colleagues cover up the whole incident so as to avoid a diplomatic disaster, Buck Danny is in charge of bringing the pilot back to the US.

In the heart of the hostile jungle, a lethal game of hide-and-seek begins. Can Buck Danny find the American pilot before the North Koreans?
