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"The Case of the Vanishing Bandit"

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(Omdirigeret fra Disney Masters 3)
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Disney Masters 03.jpg

Disney Masters  
Forfattere: Carl Fallberg m.fl.
Tegner: Paul Murry
Originaludgave: 1953-1955: Dell Comics
Format: 192 sider (?) farver 199 × 268 mm

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Forlagets beskrivelse

The circus is in town – and detective Mickey and "akerbatty" Goofy are up to their elbows in lions, tigers, and scares! A mysterious old lady is following the circus troupe, robbing the cities they visit – and then poof! – she's gone! Is she an evil clown, trying to frame the showmen? Is she a she at all? Fearless Mickey vows to find out! Classic Disney artist Paul Murry, who often teamed with writer Carl Fallberg, created a series of Mickey and Goofy serials for Walt Disney's Comics and Stories that every Baby Boomer remembers. Hop onto the circus train – Fantagraphics new Disney Masters collections start here! Join Mickey on the trail of cops-and-robbers capers – from shady doings at "The Last Resort" to Black Pete's raucous wrangles with a Rajah in "The Lost Legion!" Murry's first seven Mickey serials are all here – all newly recolored in the warm colors of the original Dell comic books!


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