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"The Mysterious Dr. X"

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Floyd Gottfredsons Mickey Mouse 12.jpg

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse by Floyd Gottfredson 12
Forfatter: Floyd Gottfredson
Tegner: Floyd Gottfredson
Originaltitel: Mickey Mouse
Format: ca. 296 sider (?) sort-hvid og farver 268 × 228 mm

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Forlagets beskrivelse

When Mickey’s best pal Goofy vanishes without a trace, even crazy Cousin Clabberwort can’t find him — till he turns up in a government lab, packing a genius IQ and a pet pygmy cow! Just what does Mouseton’s dippiest dawg—now known as “Dr. X”—have in store for the world? Does Mickey dare to find out? This climactic book of Gottfredson serials also finds Mickey plagued by Uncle Gudger, the one-man circus—and Gilhooley, the pitiless king of the leprechauns! Floyd Gottfredson and co-writer Bill Walsh infect Mouseton with the super-hi-tech of the Sputnik era, in this final volume of narrative Mickey strips.

Restored from Disney’s original proof sheets, The Mysterious Dr. X also includes more than 30 pages of top-secret extras! You’ll enjoy behind-the-scenes art, Gottfredson’s rare Christmas comics, and commentary by Disney’s own scientific geniuses!


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