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Mina Harker

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(Omdirigeret fra Wilhelmina Harker)
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Mina opened her eyes, but she did not seem the same woman. There was a far-away look in her eyes, and her voice had a sad dreaminess which was new to me. Raising his hand to impose silence, the Professor motioned to me to bring the others in. They came on tiptoe, closing the door behind them, and stood at the foot of the bed, looking on. Mina appeared not to see them. The stillness was broken by Van Helsing's voice speaking in a low level tone which would not break the current of her thoughts.

"Where are you?" The answer came in a neutral way.

"I do not know. Sleep has no place it can call its own." For several minutes there was silence. Mina sat rigid, and the Professor stood staring at her fixedly.

Jonathan Harker's journal, October 4 - 23. kapitel, Dracula

Oprindeligt en af figurerne i Bram Stokers Dracula hvor hun med nød og næppe undgår at blive en vampyr efter at dr. Van Helsing sammen med Jonathan Harker og Quincy Morris jagter Dracula tilbage til sit slot i Transylvanien og slår ham ihjel der.

Hun optræder senere i Alan Moores Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab under navnet Mina Murray. I den oprindelige udgave er hun de facto leder af gruppen, mens filmudgaven desværre vælger at underspille dette aspekt, mens vampyr-aspektet af hendes figur til gengæld får frit løb.

Wilhemina Murray (alias Mina Harker) og Allan Quatermain Jr. Teaser-tegning til den endnu ikke udgivne tredje cyklus, The Black Dossier, af League of Extraordinary Gentlemen