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Disney Masters 001.jpg

Disney Masters 1
Forfatter: Romano Scarpa
Tegner: Romano Scarpa
Format: ca. 200 sider (?) farver

Danske udgaver:

  • Se de enkelte historier

Engelske udgaver:

Forlagets beskrivelse

Fantagraphics is proud to launch a new series of books devoted to Disney's greatest cartoonists, beginning with this volume of Mickey Mouse classics drawn by the great Italian cartoonist, Romano Scarpa! When Mickey's town is hit by a blizzard of strange glowing snow, everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. But genius Dr. Einmug knows better: Pegleg Pete is on the loose with Einmug's weather-control secrets! Only Mickey and Einmug's mysterious companion – the odd little Atomo Bleep-Bleep – can save the day before a poison rainstorm wipes Mouseton off the map! When Disney Legend Floyd Gottfredson stopped creating new Mickey Mouse adventures in 1955, Italian Disney maestro Romano Scarpa (1927-2005) picked up the Mickey mantel – and quickly proved himself a worthy successor, spinning out decades' worth of new Mickey action epics – most of which have never been available in English! Now Fantagraphics is translating and anthologizing Scarpa's best! This volume also reunites Mickey, Atomo, and Pete for Scarpa's "The Bleep-Bleep 15" and "The Fabulous Kingdom of Shan-Grilla", two internationally famous tales making their North American debut!


Af de tre historier er de sidste to aldrig udgivet tidligere på engelsk og er heller ikke udgivet på skandinavisk.